Among skin conditions, acne might be the one with the most rumored “remedies.” So many things — from aloe to zinc — are touted as natural acne solutions. But do any of these home remedies stand up to scrutiny? Dermatologist Vickie Baker, MD, breaks down natural breakout treatments, so you […]

Closed Illinois Hospital Will Be Reopened By OSF Healthcare The hospital in Peru, Illinois had been recently shuttered and will now open April 7, offering emergency services and a limited inpatient facility. Also in the news: Steward Health Care’s financial issues; ProMedica’s Paramount Health acquisition by Medical Mutual; and more. […]

Many people think doing yoga will lead to weight loss through movement but this is inaccurate. As with any type of exercise, in order to lose weight there needs to be an aerobic side to it. You need to feel your heart rate increase and burn calories so not all […]

Each different light type stimulates a different response – which means every colour boasts different skincare benefits. Generally speaking LED light therapy “can help improve skin texture, reduce blemishes and hyperpigmentation, and even out skin tone,” as well as psoriasis and other side-effects of inflammation. Elsewhere, LED light therapy can […]