Yoga can help you keep cool by bringing your body temperature down naturally. Your body’s metabolic processes produce thermal energy, which, when coupled with the ambient temperature and dehydration, can raise body temperature but according to health experts, Yoga poses assist in achieving both physical and mental equilibrium.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions, shared, “Poses from Yoga can significantly lower body temperature. Additionally, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which cools the body and slows heart rate and blood pressure. Yoga can help balance the vata, pitta and kapha elements of the body as per Ayurvedic system.”
He suggested some Yoga positions, which along with pranayama and mudra can aid in body cooling and temperature regulation:
- Surya Namaskar and Chandra Namaskar – Sun and Moon Salutations
Both Surya Namaskar and Chandra Namaskar can be done, but they should be performed equally. For example if you are practising 5 cycles of Surya Namaskar, then you must also do the same number of Chandra Namaskars. These can be done early in the morning as the sun rises.
2. Ashwasanchalanasana – Horse Pose
· Start in downward-facing dog.
· Step the right leg forward and place it on the floor between the palms.
· Lower the back knee to the mat.
· Extend the arms overhead or place them next to your foot
· Repeat on the other side.
3. Hakini Mudra
The Hakini Mudra is also known as the Mind Mudra. It should be carried out ideally just before sunrise. It may be performed in any seated position that is solid and allows the spine to stay straight, such as padmasana (the lotus pose) or sukhasana (the easy pose). To make this gesture, start by positioning your palms a few inches apart and facing one another. Join the fingertips and thumbs of both hands, keeping only a faint touch between them.
4. Pranayama Techniques
The practising of pranayama may be crucial in situations including hot temperatures, physically demanding activities, prolonged sun exposure, hot flushes, intense emotional events, and other heat-producing circumstances. These methods have no effect on vata or kapha and are very successful in bringing pitta into balance.
5. Sheethali Pranayama
• If you can, choose a sitting position like the cross-legged position.
• Place your hands on your knees and stretch your spine so that your chest and belly are open, and that your neck, back, and head are all in an upright position. When breathing in via the nose, the eyes should be slightly closed. Let your entire body relax.When you’re ready to apply the cooling breath, inhale deeply while rolling your tongue:
• Breathe deeply and, if you can, roll your tongue with Sheetali.
6. Shitkari Pranayama
• If you can, choose a sitting position like the cross-legged position.
• Place your hands on your knees and stretch your spine so that your chest and belly are open and that your neck, back and head are all in an upright position. When breathing in via the nose, the eyes should be slightly closed. The lips should just slightly split and widen, like when we grin.
• Relax your entire body. The tongue should only be flattened and gently caught between the teeth. Inhale deeply while letting the air pass over your tongue’s borders and through the corners of your mouth.
Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar cautioned, “Sheetali and sheetkari are to be avoided if you have low blood pressure, respiratory disorders (such as asthma, bronchitis, or excessive mucus), and chronic constipation.”