A ‘chicken or the egg’ situation: More research needed on whether gut dysbiosis affects the brain or vice versa Research on the gut-brain axis is growing, but it is still a ‘chicken or the egg’ situation when it comes to whether it is gut dysbiosis that affects brain health or […]
medicine for sore throat
From powders to pills to gummies, collagen products are seemingly everywhere these days, with the global market valued at a whopping $9.12 billion in 2022. For athletes looking to up their exercise game, the health claims surrounding collagen can sound seriously enticing: Decreased pain! Quicker recovery! Boosted performance! But because […]
As ever-smarter and smaller technology transforms the way we live, innovation naturally translates to an ever-improving field of the best skincare tools to transform our complexions – no trip to the dermatologist’s office required. From a collagen-producing microneedling tool to a powerful bacteria-fighting LED light, and many in between, here […]
There was a “staggering” annual rise in measles cases and deaths in 2022, according to a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Cases jumped by 18 per cent to an estimated nine million, and deaths rose to 136,000 — mostly among children — the […]
Vitamin B1 or thiamin is essential for glucose metabolism and nerve, muscle, and heart function. People may need supplements if their diet does not provide enough B vitamins, during hemodialysis, and for other reasons. Also known as thiamine or thiamin, vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin, as are all vitamins […]
Your shoes can also play a role. “For example, high heels restrict the full range of motion of that muscle group,” says Dr. Schroeder. “Or if you have a running shoe that has a really stiff bottom and doesn’t allow the foot to roll from the heel to the ball […]
The Atkins diet is a low carb diet, usually recommended for weight loss. Proponents of this diet claim that you can lose weight while eating as much protein and fat as you want if you avoid foods high in carbs. Since the early 2000s, numerous studies have shown that low […]
LONDON — Measles deaths globally spiked by more than 40% last year and cases rose after vaccination levels dramatically dropped during the pandemic, leading health agencies said Thursday. The highly infectious disease triggered epidemics in 37 countries last year, versus 22 countries in 2021. It sickened 9 million children and […]