International Yoga Day, observed on 21st June, brings us an opportunity to embrace the transformative power of yoga and reap its benefits through consistent practice for our holistic well-being. This year, we bring to you interesting yoga techniques that will help you cope with grief. Transcending the confines of our […]
Say Namaste to Office Stress: Unwind with These Blissful Yoga Poses! International Yoga Day is here. With a few simple and discreet yoga poses, you can infuse some much-needed rejuvenation into your workday right at your […]
International Yoga Day 2023: You can try incorporating these yoga positions to help stabilise your blood pressure. International Yoga Day 2023: Yoga can help lower high blood pressure Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a common disorder wherein the blood’s long-term pressure against the arteries is strong enough to […]
Mirchi • Updated: 69 days ago • Follow Yoga is a popular form of exercise that has been shown to have numerous physical and mental health benefits. However, if you have a heart condition, it’s important to be cautious when practising yoga. One of the major heart conditions seen in […]
When you envision a soothing bedtime activity, yoga might not be the first thing that comes to mind. Images of handstands and hyper-flexibility might flash before your eyes—the exact opposite of the relaxation you’re seeking when it’s time to fall asleep. Contrary to the popularized images of yoga we see […]
We often tend to hunch forward most of the day while using phones and laptops. While this helps to meet our deadlines, keep us entertained or stay connected with people, this habit is also leading to increasing complains of back pain. In fact, back pain is quite common among adults […]
What is yoga? Yoga literally means “to yoke.” We connect the mind with the body, breath with movement, awareness within ourselves. Yoga may mean, look, and feel different from one person to the next. For me, it is a way of life that I incorporate breathwork, meditation, and […]
Yoga can help you keep cool by bringing your body temperature down naturally. Your body’s metabolic processes produce thermal energy, which, when coupled with the ambient temperature and dehydration, can raise body temperature but according to health experts, Yoga poses assist in achieving both physical and mental equilibrium. Yoga poses […]